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top 5

Top 5 (2/25/25):

sara - and the time keeps coming

no me oldives - RIP Julia Reagan

sharkbait - 89

horace the shrimp - the ghost of love

blood orange - Elevator​

Top 5 (12/6/24):

James Magnolia - maybe i'll see you

Melody L. - Last chance to be poetic

Dead Weight - POV: Deer Life

stargirl - ambiguous love

Bram stoker - Okay really now​

Top 5 (10/27/23):

florence ives - loving hard

angel of small death - 6:50
lizzy grant - letter

thom yorke - investigating you

snow hater - my clothes are dry


Top 6 (4/25/23):

Josephine March - Rewinding

Elle Woods - Something A Lil Different

Mr Brightside - Romeo and Juliet Deers

luke smith - Different

Concorde Space Marine - The Entertainer

Stu Pot - delusionally different


Top 5 (9/27/23):

Laurie Blue Adkins - july

Bluebird - click

sven gamsky - no name #1

Screwtape - Friend's House

channel orange - growing pains


Top 5 (2/23/24):

rhiannon - your mercurial love

bottomless pit - waste
Roppenheimer - J'aime tu beoucoup

josh harmon - robots

strawberry wine - DRIP DROP


Top 5 (12/15/23):

lizzy mcalpine - jetpack

joel barish - all over the place
walter white - crush culture

blue boy - commitment issues

kit - write something different


Top 5 (3/28/24):

swim shady - nostalgia

James McGillicuddy - #different #shelsilverstein
Lezly Mackerel - Spaces

purple hat! - #YEET

Augustine Alison - live in the now


Top 5 (9/30/24):

stargirl - contortionist

little alice - the last dandelion (crayon)

Sam Stone - S h o e l a c e s

Albert Dean - eating CRAYOLA

Galileo - too old for narnia


Top 5 (2/14/23):

stella sierra - Poems from someone else's hometown

Pizzaman - To Be Infinite

rotting boy - a letter to you from before i rotted,

Lucy Maud - Look at the Moon

Blanc Karenina - Living or Existing?

Top 5 (11/8/22):

Save Ferris - He Never Had Braces

irene and the scorpion - chained

The Malloy Ploy - Modern-Day Mourning

miss americana - the notes app graveyard

ardent artemis - i could hold my home in the palm of my hand, i should know it like the back of it

Top 5 (3/10/22):


John Doe - the bare bones of it

ur mom - nostalgia

grumpy monkey - it doesn't feel right

Not a Poet - dream girl.

Top 5 (2/8/22):

katcadet. - roughly 25 mph

askformoretime - pre-ramble preamble

overthinker - emotional wreck because my alexa doesn't like me.

Delilah Laurent - who am i

palma rae - ever since i was a little girl

Top 5 (10/4/21):

Delilah Laurent - what's goin on 

Francis Forever - To All the Blogs I've Loved Before

Nemoarm - Sounds a little like you

Anhedonia - Shout out to the ______________

Off Track - Oldest surfer on the beach

Top 5 (11/26/20):

ladybird - the thing with fear and being afraid and being scared

Brielle Odette - The Things That Torture Me

Bobby Tarantino - Different

The Wilted Wildflower - Cicadas

armando perez - to all the boys at lone peak

Top 5 (3/9/20):

Luella May Carlisle - Progress!

shark-bait - Well...

Billie Jean - say something

Jilly Smith - Recent Search History

max day - WWFBD

Top 5 (2/25/20):

vida es una montaña rusa - dryer sheets and mud covered toes

oraclemediator - you've got your head in the clouds

Deluxe Crispy Chicken Tender - I TOLD THE STARS ABOUT YOU

princetongirl818 - NASCAR

sunset soup - Valentine's Day

Top 5 (2/9/20):

Reggie Starr - I hate this class

The Elephant House - "I Play the Cello"

father jude - all too sad

Enigma - Add Title

SCATTERBRAIN - acloseddoorifyouaskme

Top 5 (11/25/19):

cherry sky - 10:16

junie b. jones - fears

Athena - Living In The Past

auguste rodin - I'm afraid of people who say "whom"

Sky Purple Otter Pops - MEDICATED

Top 5 (10/31/19):

aflightlessbirddd - i pinky promise

moondog - if crayons were human


Spacecowboy - ?

Bailey Hill - my 64 pack packs heat​

Top 5 (3/27/19):

Jamaica White - If I catch him at a good time

stargirl - unprecedented company

Nick Waits - Logos

Pre-Occupied - These things you'll never know

vatican city - ive killed a man

Top 5 (3/4/19):

erin - F I R E

cloud - school


Flight of the Navigator - small towns

cardi brie - the art of texting.

Top 5 (2/11/19):

Louis Ray - High School Dances

daphne may - rubotz ken'd du thiz ...

TheIronGiant - Midnight

Ruby Blue - being human for DUMMIES

if - second-hand

Top 5 (10/23/18):

Holden Caulfield - voice in person

Rosaline Wren - A collection of conflicted thoughts on you

All Things Considered - Papa Jonathan

Catholicboy - kissing an atheist​

Consilio Delibere - Imitation

Top 5 (10/8/18):

sleepy saturn - world class definition

Florence M'Gormig - Thoughts on Barbie

tiny woods - 4 stages of modern romance

Jack Russell - FAULT LINES

green - sign your checks in periwinkle

Top 5 (9/18/18):

Samuel Laurent - Towers

Parmesan Bay - BYU Applications, a 3-Part Haiku

sad tea frog - a hat

lucid dreams - vivid dreams

catholicboy - Haikus about the new attendance policy

Top 5 (3/7/18):

Olive Grace - Colorblind

Christopher McCandless - I Remembered

Samson Grey - Let's Love Differently

Fred Rechid - vacuums at the carwash

oritebruv - Nervous Young Inhumans

Top 5 (2/20/18):

Nora Hale - I want to play pretend again

Aspen Rose - Conflict

Consilio Delibere - WHAT IF / Parkland

When it Rains - Vincent: a letter to Vincent Van Gogh

Cricket Matthews - Don't give up on me

Top 5 (1/30/18):

Converse No Stars - Introduction

Kodiak Leroux - Synopsis

Daphne Blake - What I ate for lunch last thursday. Writing: a parody.​

​rosie mae xcix - everyday

Page Walters - All The Small Things​

Top 5 (12/1/17):

Clarisse O'Connor - Brown Paper Bags

giovanni giorgio - reveal / journal jam - a rap

ROY.LONDRELLE - the weatherman

Samson Grey - One More Time With Feeling

Danny devote is thicc tm - thank you danny

Top 5 (11/20/17):

Consilio Delibere - Curtain Call / Room 221

hazel grace - I'm scared of turning 18

banana mcclain - dandelion kids

London Skies - Is this okay? 

augustus james - dark

Top 5 (11/5/17):

Rose Sebert - taco time

Samson Grey - The Ocean and Her City

Ririe Ocean - Why

Charlie Brown - permanent grass stains

giovanni giorgio - bones - a rap

Top 5 (10/16/17):

Charlie Brown - home-cooked skies

Clarisse O'Connor - In Loving Memory

Demosthenes - Scattered Thoughts

Samson Grey - Flying Bricks

ROY.LONDRELLE - wish list

Top 5 (10/2/17):

Eartha Kitt - Warm Welcome

Stormy Rae Sky - transforming

frankie blues - introductionËŒintrəˈdÉ™kSH(É™)n/

Daphne Blake - I searched the word alone on Google

banana mcclain - Earnest

Top 5 (9/18/17):

zuna rue - an intro of sorts

Hope Washington - [sic]: the best advice I never got

Slightly Forlorn - An Interview 'lol'

Consilio Delibere - Conversation Between Me and a Computer / Detroit

mattise johnson - An Intro: 

Top 5 (2/14/17):

Fluhman - hello God, this is a pitch for a new life

V - Niagra Falls?

Merriweather Harrington - All the Housewives

SA5M - I am from

lightningbrigade - The Empty Space in My Thoughts

Top 5 (12/8/16):

Yuri Bly - RSVP

Este West - because kyle nelson

​Ben Haggerty - What if I already revealed?

arizona - look both ways before crossing the street

Atlas - Dear Santa

Top 5 (11/22/16):

stargirl - because

The Sundance Kid - Academic Studies

Florence Kelley/Ingrie Emelia - My Father, Your Father

louisa - Specific things that tie along specific people

forest - I'm not scared (just kidding)

Top 5 (11/1/16):

Yuri Bly - Different

Henry Flamingo - 11:11

Conifer Grey - Mix Tape No. 5

Aftertaste - You or Me or We.

Casper Bousiad - breathe in the air

Top 5 (10/18/16):

Nettie Shuler - teenage prayers

navy sloane - back pocket nights

frankie blue - neighborhood

Florence Kelley - To the Skinny Lovers Who Sit Next to Me in Calculus

tokerlily - ain't no thug

Top 5 (9/30/16):

Emery Rae - Tattoos with the Führer

her pale rose - a love letter to heaven

$ad Girl - Crayons

Casper Bousiad - things you can do when you're 8 but not 18

Nettie Shuler - because alice this is not wonderland

Top 5 (9/18/16):

louis medina - a toast

Yuri Bly - 0's and 1's

August Dawn - who am i

Atlas - Skywatcher

Ingrie Emelia - an Introduction?

Top 5 (3/20/16):

Patrice Hunt - Words on a White Screen

David Charleston - too young to love

Green Eyes - Society's newest release: Model 2K1x6x

Ezra Jayne - Wildflowers

Cloyd Clemons - can't prove nothin'

Top 5 (2/21/16):

Polite Petal - Cinder Block Dialogue

LA Devotee - abstract bricks

oliver james - Comparison

Dear Delilah - the 18 bricks that built me

Stella Luna - holding hands; [typed on the spot when nothing else sounded right]

Top 5 (2/8/16):

Ambivalential - let me tell you about creative writing

aa Jack Napier - I'm going to try extremely hard not to make this cliche

Lois Lane - missing you

Tahlia Barnett - Not Quite an Introduction

Cloyd Clemons - here's the kickoff

Top 5 (11/22/15):

Ketchikan - Stealing Poetry

Cher Horowitz - everything ends in 1

Courtney Rome - Orchestra

Agnes Obel - dictionary

Eva Peron - too late

Top 5 (12/7/15):

agnes obel - until daylight apologizes

monoceros - change

Courtney Rome - Little Girl, Nothing Wrong

Solstice Everston - A (not so) Secret Life

Last of the Mohicans - Lt. Dan



Top 5 (11/14/15):

Shawn Carter - Funeral

Ella Erson - ********

Steven O. Jordan - A Look into Steven O. Jordan's Mind

d435me - i kissed michael falk for one nickel

just Korra - Baa. I'm a sheep.

Top 5 (10/24/15):

Albany Grey - Human, Scene 1

Iris Schiele - Another Story

Courtney Rome - Kate

Sir Edmund Hillary - Alive

Annelies Marie - If you tell on me so help me

Top 5 (10/7/15):

Carolina Liar - I wrote your name on my arm

Eva Peron - me + you = love

Delilah Piper - my heart is heavier than my textbooks

Rosyln Luna Gray - amor, amor, amor.

d43 5me - a comment for all


Top 5 (9/24/15):

Mabel Q - gerontophobia

ketchikan - // Code

Eva Peron - something different

Atticus Monet - 17 daze

Solstice Everston - Department of Youth and Adolescence - Claim #1536


Top 5 Intros (9/7/15):

Amaru - im sick of explaining who i am

Scarlet Amour - Reality

Courtney Rome - And Let's Introduce

Rosie P. - Vinyl Release

d43 5me - first

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